Wireless setup

For current students, staff and faculty, the wireless network you will want to connect to is named "eduroam." Your full UA email address and password will be required. Visit UA's , , or for step-by-step instructions. 
Visit UA's , or For Mobile Devices.
Eduroam is a worldwide network-access service developed for the international research and education community. It allows affiliates from participating institutions to obtain internet connectivity while on our campus.  If you find yourself as a visitor to another campus that uses eduroam, then your will automatically obtain internet connectivity as well.  

Visitors to campus should use the network called Roo-Guest. No ID or password is required to access this network and it is separated from our normal network.  Users on this network cannot access sensitive data areas such as Brightspace or MyÂÜÀòÉç.  

TIP: Don't share your password!

The University of ÂÜÀòÉç will never e-mail you and ask you to disclose or verify your UA password. If you receive a suspicious e-mail with a link to update your account information, do not click on the link; instead, report the e-mail to The University of ÂÜÀòÉç at support@uakron.edu for investigation.